
Pitohui Prototype By Tanavit23

Remember Tanavit23 JEM AKA Jeremy Tanavit who brought you guys collaboration works like “Pork Russel” with SekureD as well working with our very own British counterpart UMEToys (Richard Page) on a chibi version of JEM. His own JEM mascot figures have been ticked off and long sold out but Today the evolution as begun as Jeremy has come up with something totally different from his comic style. Meet Pitohui!

Judging from the photos right now it’s still in the early prototype stages. Never the less we feel the love for Pitohui, someways elegance, a spot of cheeky fun as well as that removable cat skull mask, giving Pitohui two different desired looks. Does bird eat the cat?

Pitohui is JEM’s companion. Although he may look tough and punk, pitohui is actually very sensitive and shy. Pitohui has dreams to be a crime fighter hence the CAT skull mask, but for now, Pitohui enjoys the wonderful adventures with JEM.

Fun Fact: The hooded pitohui is a pitohui of New Guinea with black and orange plumage.  It is one of the few known poisonous birds.

We love the skeleton right down to the spine which incorporates as a mask! We mean the mask Itself we could display that alone it’s that cool.

Overall we can’t wait to see the finished version of Pitohui, we sincerely hope Jeremy continues down this rout as it’s one of his finest creations. We would like to see other artists get involved with Pitohui in the future see their vision. Fingers crossed colour choices and application will do Pitohui justice. More details on production size and price will be release soon.

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You can find Tanavit23 via his Instgram and Twitter.

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

ButterBee OG Edition by FLABSLAB and UMEToys