Oh boy, it’s that time of the year again. The Designer Toy Awards have just notified us that the 2016 6th Annual Designer Toy Awards are now open for VOTING! 2015 was an absolute epic year for Designer Toys. So many great releases, designs, artists, customs. It was a fine year. The 2016 DTA show is all about recognising the effort & time that has gone into each category. Each finalist fully deserves to call themselves a DTA finalist. Now is your time to honour those artists with your vote. Public Voting has begun! We will be covering the each DTA Category Finalists over the coming days. Keep an eye out for those.
For the third year running The Toy Chronicle are one of the finalists at the 6th DTA for Best Blog. All that time and hard work has paid off and thank you to readers like you nominating us for DTA’s 2016. We are overwhelmed that we can announce that The Toy Chronicle have been selected as a finalist in the BEST BLOG Category at the Designer Toy Awards 2016. Let’s try to win the award for the second year running.
The BEST BLOG winner will be chosen by a public vote, via the DTA website. Voting for the Designer Toy Awards will take place from now. Public voting remains open until Monday, September 26th, 2016 at 12pm (noon) est and can be completed HERE. We very much appreciate the support you guys show The Toy Chronicle.
Congrats to other Best Blog Finalists this year. They all do a fucking great job spreading news & joys throughout our community. Each deserve your recognition. Shout out to Tenacious Toys Ninja, Vinyl Pulse, Urban Vinyl Daily, Toysrevil, Spanky Stokes, Plastic & Plush, The Toy Viking, TheBlotSays.com! Massive respect!
Thanks again for your support!
We love ya!
The Toy Chronicle
P.s Go vote HERE xx
- Log in or create a new account above. If you have an account but have forgotten the password, you can retrieve it here.
- Go to the categories page.
- Vote once in each of the six awards under Public Voting.
Simple as that.
Pro Committee: Jackson Aw, Huck Gee, Dov Kelemer, Kirby Kerr, Benny Kline, Travis Lykins, Gary Rozanski, John Stokes, and Vincent Yu.
Public: Justin Cheah, Lee Funai, Ketha Insomphou, Steve Lew, Rob Lumino, and Katherine Park.