Lee Yeon Woo of Bukk Company who created the adorable “KettleBoy” and “Starfish Bottle Family” (sorry in advance as it might be a little lost in translation) has taken the little blue Starfish in a new direction with a uber cute pose and expressions. You know what it’s adorable, well that’s you like cute stuff. Like Lee’s previous releases the characters each have a collective story behind them taken from Lee Yeon Woo illustrations and turned into figures.
The pose that Lee has given Little Blue Starfish reminds us of the days where you just want to lay around and do nothing 🙂 We probably will be doing the same pose on New Years Day.
Around 9CM and priced at 38000 WON (that’s around £26). To order message Lee on Facebook HERE or Email bukkcompany@naver.com to place an order. UPDATE she’s just opened Etsy STORE! https://www.etsy.com/shop/raccoongongjang
Find Lee at http://bukkcompany.blog.me/, Instagram and Facebook.