Beginning of the year Tanavit23 JEM AKA Jeremy Tanavit showed us what he’s been working on and boy it was freaking rad! Excitement more than hype was building, as his “Pitohui” prototype photos were shown right down to deciding which eyes you guys prefer on Pitohui. Many collectors asked the question when will it be released. TODAY will be the day of great news, the wait is nearly over.
Pitohui is JEM’s companion. Although he may look tough and punk, pitohui is actually very sensitive and shy. Pitohui has dreams to be a crime fighter hence the CAT skull mask, but for now, Pitohui enjoys the wonderful adventures with JEM.
Fun Fact: The hooded pitohui is a pitohui of New Guinea with black and orange plumage. It is one of the few known poisonous birds.
Even in the prototype stage, we wanted it, never the less we have fallen the love with Pitohui, some ways elegance, a spot of cheeky fun as well as that removable cat skull mask, giving Pitohui two different desired looks. Does bird eat the cat?
Although this is a DIY version, the silhouette would be great for artists/customizers to work on and have Pitohui in various versions. For us, we will have to patiently wait for the full-colour version as we can’t paint…. So for all you guys who want this naked version you finally have the good news, Jeremy will be releasing Pitohui “Naked” Edition tommorrow.
[box title=”Important Details”]
Edition: 20pcs
Size: stands 4′ / 10cm tall
WHEN: Release/shipping info:
– Online release 9th August 2017 11 PM Singapore time
– Estimated shipping date: next working day
WHERE: on (
Price: $55 USD
shipping price: 25 USD
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If you guys are looking for the fully painted version, Jeremy did mention they will be coming soon. Stay tuned for further info.
You can find Tanavit23 via his Instagram and Twitter.
This was my first Pitohui Got it done up by Sam